Regarding the Future Self:
*Never had any true or main significant criminal record history
* no longer has any hidden criminal record
*no longer has any deep hidden criminal record
*•no longer has any hidden criminal record history
*•no longer has any deep hidden criminal record history
* no longer has any mistaken identity based false and accidentally put onto and into the future self life thru miscommunication misinterpretation misunderstanding missharing misreporting based hidden criminal record and or hidden criminal record history
•no longer has any mistaken framing mistaken identity based false and accidentally put onto and into the future self life thru miscommunication misinterpretation misunderstanding missharing misreporting based Deep hidden criminal record and or Deep hidden criminal record history
•no longer has any framing caused and or based mistaken identity based false and accidentally put onto and into the future self life thru miscommunication misinterpretation misunderstanding missharing misreporting based Deep hidden criminal record and or Deep hidden criminal record history