The middle of the immediate use of nanotechnology
The elevated electric roadways and railways that I’ve talked about will lead to the start of the freeing up of the space and the beginning of the restoration of the habitats of wildlife. This leads to the rapid tread of establishing rural ecotourism towns and villages. Elevated electric roadways and railways would connect then with each other and with big cities.
When I mention a city, I really mean a major metropolitan area.
Then it would become necessary to protect major cities from the wilderness, thru constructed a Nanotechnologically Engineered Barrier. (NEB) A NEB would have to high enough to prevent wildlife from entering. It would also have a quantum electromagnetic field would be used to separate a city from the wilderness when this is under construction. In fact this would be the first use of a quantum physical field (Force-field). A nanotechnologically engineered barrier (NEB) would protect and separate a city from the wilderness. The NEB would be up to 2000 ft tall. It would do this by nanotechnologically transforming into various macrogadgets that repel various powerful forces of nature, including thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. It would do this by using the scientific principles of weather and geology as well as biology to protect a city. If a city existed an area that had many Earthquakes, it would have nanotechnological equipment to absorb the energy of Earthquakes, resulting in first being able to use of the seismic energy! If a city existed in a hurricane area, this would have huge walls are shaped like half arches on both sides that would reflect the energy of a hurricane and maybe a tsunami. This technology would make possible including in a cheap way for weather science to have an experimental part. Perhaps this would allow us to control weather only to protect cities and still allow rain to fall to hit to allow plants to grow. Once an elevated electric roadway reached a big city it would start to underground and going up and into the metro area. Intelligent especially enormous robots would maintain the NEB.
In the start-to-be futuristic metro area, the very core city would be very high having at least to start with 2000 ft tall to begin with and much-higher-than-that skyscrapers later on. Artificial Intelligent large scale systems would start to make everyday life both easier and better at the same time, thru the rapid use of automation. Then we would invent hovercars and hovertrains as well as start to use nanotechnologically refined maglev (Magnetic Levitation) cars and trains. Hovercars would work off of gravitational manipulation. This in turn would allow them to reach the first 500 ft of the building. This in fact is the maximum height that the first hovercars could go up.
The elevators in such skyscrapers would work off a combination of electromagnetic traction/magnetic levitation and gravitational manipulation. The elevators would use AI to avoid collisions. This is done simply by having a tube-shaped elevator shaft because more cars can fit in a elevator shaft shaped like that because rounded shaped often a tendency to leave little space behind with being stuffed in a very small space.
What would make such tall skyscrapers a reality is that silicocarbon nanotube fiber composite I’ve talked about would be arranged in the first time it was invented, it was used to make up honeycomb-shaped (The honeycombs would be microscopic.) building material. This in turn would make a more aerodynamic building by making it rounded. An aerodynamic skyscraper would have less chance of knocking over especially if it is very tall. At the very top of the 2000 ft tall skyscraper, the space where to put rooms would get smaller that you would in fact need to arrange parts of a room like a circular house. Once you reached the very top of such a skyscraper you would notice that space would become much smaller, and stairs would replace elevator few floors to the very top which is the 200th floor of such a building.
Such heating and cooling of a skyscraper would be accomplished by seawater that comes in pipes from the sea. that is made out of silicocarbon nanotube sheets! It is possible for the seawater to stay very cold because of the nonheat-conducing properties of a certain type of silicocarbon nanotube composite.
So the actual cooling is not electronic, it is mechanical!
Everyday devices, based off Gravitational Manipulation (GM) would make housekeeping and especially living in a tall skyscraper much easier, because robots would do a lot more of the work.
Futuristic aircraft would have wings and a body made up same honeycomb-type building material would be used to make up futuristic watercraft, aircraft and in fact all structures! A futuristic aircraft would have a nanotechnologically morphing wing. It would use ion prolusion just like a futuristic watercraft and even spacecraft would use ion propulsion, specifically low energy ion propulsion. A futuristic aircraft would be stabilized by gravitational manipulation-generating devices in the body, including the wings. They would help to counteract gravity as we know it. When it is in takeoff mode, the ion engines would come on, and wings would generate lift and the plane would take off. Gradually from takeoff to being in flight the gravitational manipulation would get stronger so the airplane doesn’t need a tail. The wings would nanotechnologically morph during take off and landing. Once the craft prepares to land, quantum physical fields (Force-fields) specifically electromagnetic force fields would slow the craft so it would be able to land. Once it has parked, robotic legs would pop out to stabilize the craft once it is parked. That is because the GM-generating devices and the GM itself would no longer turn on once it is parked.
A futuristic watercraft would work off similarly also on GM. The futuristic watercraft would also be consisting of nanotechnological materials. It would also use ion propulsion. The futuristic watercraft would use maglev-like GM strips to power to craft. In fact the GM strips would be the main propulsion, while the ion propulsion would be used to dock to a seaport. Because the craft uses GM it would have less need for sails.
By applying the new techniques and technologies about futuristic aircraft, some based on one-day might be new scientific principles, help whoever reads this, to get ready for discussion on how futuristic space craft would work. It happens the futuristic spacecraft takeoff and land like an airplane.
Once a futuristic spacecraft reaches the height of current jetliners, the Quantum Gravitational (QG) and Quantum Electromagnetic fields (QE) (QG used to produce artificial gravity without much use of curcomstencial force. QE is used to protect future astronauts from the dangerous radiation of outer space without much shielding at all!)
Matter-antimatter annihilation could power the craft and all its systems.
Once such a spaceship reaches outer space thru means of geomagnetogravitonal traction, it would enter a nanotechnologically transformed International Space Station! (ISS) In fact the QEs and QGs would make bigger and more complex spacecraft a reality, especially space stations starting with the ISS. A futuristic nanotechnologicallly completed ISS would look like a disc. It would have up to 5 floors. The futuristically transformed ISS is where space tourism also known as astrotourism, would be born.
Everything from the improvement in our intelligence to the intermediate use of nanotechnology could actually develop simultaneously within 1-2 years from now and continue to get more advanced, who knows?
Saturday, September 26, 2009
The end of the immediate use of nanotechnology
The end of the immediate use of nanotechnology
The Intermediate use of nanotechnology ends once the last final improvement in nanotechnology that the IM at least talks about takes place finally back down to Earth!
This is the first Integrated Elevated Electric Transportation system! (IEET) This Maglev trains, maglev cars as well as rapid commuter transit hovertrains in a single stretch. This is different form the elevated electric roads and railways because it would be shaped like very long arches instead of blocks. This stretch would be up to 2 miles up and the arches would be up to 10-miles long! The First level would have maglev automobiles. The second level would have maglev passenger trains on the left, and maglev freight trains on the right. The third level would have rapid commuter transit hovertrains! The maglev trains and cars would somehow connect or replace more local systems like elevated electric roadways, which by the way would become arch shaped, allowing wildlife to easily migrate. The rapid commuter transit trains are going to lead to stations within the vicinity of large metro areas, where they could connect to them!
The global parks system originally included huge parks covering a large area of an entire contenitant.
In dense enough areas, the IEET would go underground. As a result of all this change the global parks system is expanded to include urban nanotechnologically based park systems, an s well as park subsystems that cover existing park systems starting with the US national park system.
In areas where urban reduction and urban relocation alone did not work to balance people and wildlife, gravitonal manipulation based structural engineering is established. In fact it makes all large-scale structures in this section practical and feasible, especially large cities that are built thousands of feet over a wetlands or rainforest.
This would somehow work thru magnetogravitional traction. (Modified GM)
The IEET would then all complete the resettling of the major cities and their suburbs, starting in the developed area of Canada, the United States, Japan, Europe, and beginning with Western Europe. How this happens is because the IEETs serve a lot larger area in fact they serve an area the size of an entire continent!
This starts to make global parks system very popular, as well as start the tread of urban global parks, based on nanotechnology!
This is what such structures would look like that is a great feat of extreme nanotechnological engineering:
At the same time perhaps as an indirect results of building the first successful stretch of IEET connecting Western Europe to Canada and the United States; helped other industries get established in other areas. This started with nanotechnology-assisted biotechnology, and then nanobiotechnology industry being established in South America. Brazil would be the center of such an industry. Quantum mineral crystal growing industry could be established in Africa. The quantum nanorecycling industry could be established in Eastern Europe and Northwestern Asia. Russia would be the center of the quantum nanorecycling industry. By the way the Guide and TENT, which will be explained in the end, which also happens to be in the finalized MTH website, will explain precisely and specifically how and why all these very complex nanotecnological ideas are scientifically and technologically possible esp. when it is used in my Mystery Solvers Saga.
The Intermediate use of nanotechnology ends once the last final improvement in nanotechnology that the IM at least talks about takes place finally back down to Earth!
This is the first Integrated Elevated Electric Transportation system! (IEET) This Maglev trains, maglev cars as well as rapid commuter transit hovertrains in a single stretch. This is different form the elevated electric roads and railways because it would be shaped like very long arches instead of blocks. This stretch would be up to 2 miles up and the arches would be up to 10-miles long! The First level would have maglev automobiles. The second level would have maglev passenger trains on the left, and maglev freight trains on the right. The third level would have rapid commuter transit hovertrains! The maglev trains and cars would somehow connect or replace more local systems like elevated electric roadways, which by the way would become arch shaped, allowing wildlife to easily migrate. The rapid commuter transit trains are going to lead to stations within the vicinity of large metro areas, where they could connect to them!
The global parks system originally included huge parks covering a large area of an entire contenitant.
In dense enough areas, the IEET would go underground. As a result of all this change the global parks system is expanded to include urban nanotechnologically based park systems, an s well as park subsystems that cover existing park systems starting with the US national park system.
In areas where urban reduction and urban relocation alone did not work to balance people and wildlife, gravitonal manipulation based structural engineering is established. In fact it makes all large-scale structures in this section practical and feasible, especially large cities that are built thousands of feet over a wetlands or rainforest.
This would somehow work thru magnetogravitional traction. (Modified GM)
The IEET would then all complete the resettling of the major cities and their suburbs, starting in the developed area of Canada, the United States, Japan, Europe, and beginning with Western Europe. How this happens is because the IEETs serve a lot larger area in fact they serve an area the size of an entire continent!
This starts to make global parks system very popular, as well as start the tread of urban global parks, based on nanotechnology!
This is what such structures would look like that is a great feat of extreme nanotechnological engineering:
At the same time perhaps as an indirect results of building the first successful stretch of IEET connecting Western Europe to Canada and the United States; helped other industries get established in other areas. This started with nanotechnology-assisted biotechnology, and then nanobiotechnology industry being established in South America. Brazil would be the center of such an industry. Quantum mineral crystal growing industry could be established in Africa. The quantum nanorecycling industry could be established in Eastern Europe and Northwestern Asia. Russia would be the center of the quantum nanorecycling industry. By the way the Guide and TENT, which will be explained in the end, which also happens to be in the finalized MTH website, will explain precisely and specifically how and why all these very complex nanotecnological ideas are scientifically and technologically possible esp. when it is used in my Mystery Solvers Saga.
How the intermediate use of nanotechnolog got started
How the intermediate use of nanotechnology got started
The intermediate use of nanotechnology gets started with the shrinking of the replicator’s components, and the photoelectronic circuitry, to a size that is completely nanoscale!
This in turn leads to the new and improved nanotechnologically-based industrial processes, (This is a period of our civilization to be completely based on nanotechnology!) whose operation ranges from the nanoscale to everyday visible scales!
This signals the start of the new nanotechnologically based industrial revolution!
This is this new process down below:
Part 1:
Individual nanoscale assembly lines would be 100 nanometers long. These would be used to build the smallest nanoscale (Their size would be up to a dozen nanometers in diameter.) or nanoparts; these in turn would be used on longer assembly lines to build larger nanoparts out of the smallest possible nanoparts.
The smaller nanoparts would be continually used to build larger nanoparts; which in turn would be assembled in an even larger nanoshaft measuring 500 nanometers in diameter.
This in turn would, be used to build the component parts of electric transportation and photoelectronic circuitry as well as advanced renewable resource technology. This is all implemented as a three (3) part process: nanoscale, microscopic and macroscopic (large scale).
Part 2:
The largest nanoscale-sized components are in turn used to build larger components that would then longer be nanoscale because they would be more than 1000 nanometers in diameter.
These in turn are picked up by microrobots and are then transformed into components big enough for the minirobots in a futuristic, multileveled factory to start to assemble the various products, which are completely based on nanotechnology.
Part 3:
The minirobots continue to assemble the minicomponents until they reach the bottom level where they are finally assembled into their product!
As referred to in the previous part, the futuristic factory has 3 levels.
The third level has miniparts continuously and repeating assembled from smaller miniparts by minirobots.
The second level has the miniparts assembled into larger visible parts known as megaparts by megarobots.
The first level has the megaparts assembled into the final product by the largest visible robots possible.
Now that I’ve shown you the first complete nanotechnological industrial process, this can be modified from the nanoscale by using specialized nanomachines, such as those designed to emit UV nanolasers; allowing the second use: nanotechnologicallly based recycling and waste reduction process!
The nanotechnologically based recycling and waste reduction process employs the use of specialized nanomachines that emit powerful UV nanolaser (a nanoscale laser) beams!
The nanotechnologically-based waste deduction technology starts with the modification of the use of the UV nanolaser-emitting nanomachines! This, as a result of silicocarbon nanotube fiber composite (Remember from earlier: silicocarbon nanotube fibers +electroorganic nanomaterials = silicocarbon nanotube fiber composite.); would allow for the emergence of a process known as base packaging materials. These are important because these result in a much lighter packaging material thru it also being assembled thru an Improved Version 2 nanotechnological Industrial process.(IVI) The improved IVI utilizes increasingly smaller sized nanoscale assembly lines eventually reaching 10 nanometers! This would employ nanomachines to nano-ecit labels on the packaging material!
(The nanotechnological industrial process+ nanotechnological recycling process=IVI)
All of these processes would be used to support nanotechnologically based scientific and technological development!
What would basically lead to the large scale use of nanotechnology is the invention of nanotechnological inventing kits and commercially feasible forms of nanotechnological inventing kits, known as nanotechnological inventing systems.
Other than this information, very little is available on what would lead to the advanced and large scale use of nanotechnology because the information mentioned in the Guide to the Future of Humanity (Known simply as Guide) and The Entirety of Nature Theory; (Also known as TENT) because the Guide and TENT+ [Intermediate Message +Timeline of the future] =the completed MTH website.
This document and the Introduction and Summarization of IM, as well as IM itself, and the pictures making up the front page of the site will also compose the transformed Message to Humankind website
The intermediate use of nanotechnology gets started with the shrinking of the replicator’s components, and the photoelectronic circuitry, to a size that is completely nanoscale!
This in turn leads to the new and improved nanotechnologically-based industrial processes, (This is a period of our civilization to be completely based on nanotechnology!) whose operation ranges from the nanoscale to everyday visible scales!
This signals the start of the new nanotechnologically based industrial revolution!
This is this new process down below:
Part 1:
Individual nanoscale assembly lines would be 100 nanometers long. These would be used to build the smallest nanoscale (Their size would be up to a dozen nanometers in diameter.) or nanoparts; these in turn would be used on longer assembly lines to build larger nanoparts out of the smallest possible nanoparts.
The smaller nanoparts would be continually used to build larger nanoparts; which in turn would be assembled in an even larger nanoshaft measuring 500 nanometers in diameter.
This in turn would, be used to build the component parts of electric transportation and photoelectronic circuitry as well as advanced renewable resource technology. This is all implemented as a three (3) part process: nanoscale, microscopic and macroscopic (large scale).
Part 2:
The largest nanoscale-sized components are in turn used to build larger components that would then longer be nanoscale because they would be more than 1000 nanometers in diameter.
These in turn are picked up by microrobots and are then transformed into components big enough for the minirobots in a futuristic, multileveled factory to start to assemble the various products, which are completely based on nanotechnology.
Part 3:
The minirobots continue to assemble the minicomponents until they reach the bottom level where they are finally assembled into their product!
As referred to in the previous part, the futuristic factory has 3 levels.
The third level has miniparts continuously and repeating assembled from smaller miniparts by minirobots.
The second level has the miniparts assembled into larger visible parts known as megaparts by megarobots.
The first level has the megaparts assembled into the final product by the largest visible robots possible.
Now that I’ve shown you the first complete nanotechnological industrial process, this can be modified from the nanoscale by using specialized nanomachines, such as those designed to emit UV nanolasers; allowing the second use: nanotechnologicallly based recycling and waste reduction process!
The nanotechnologically based recycling and waste reduction process employs the use of specialized nanomachines that emit powerful UV nanolaser (a nanoscale laser) beams!
The nanotechnologically-based waste deduction technology starts with the modification of the use of the UV nanolaser-emitting nanomachines! This, as a result of silicocarbon nanotube fiber composite (Remember from earlier: silicocarbon nanotube fibers +electroorganic nanomaterials = silicocarbon nanotube fiber composite.); would allow for the emergence of a process known as base packaging materials. These are important because these result in a much lighter packaging material thru it also being assembled thru an Improved Version 2 nanotechnological Industrial process.(IVI) The improved IVI utilizes increasingly smaller sized nanoscale assembly lines eventually reaching 10 nanometers! This would employ nanomachines to nano-ecit labels on the packaging material!
(The nanotechnological industrial process+ nanotechnological recycling process=IVI)
All of these processes would be used to support nanotechnologically based scientific and technological development!
What would basically lead to the large scale use of nanotechnology is the invention of nanotechnological inventing kits and commercially feasible forms of nanotechnological inventing kits, known as nanotechnological inventing systems.
Other than this information, very little is available on what would lead to the advanced and large scale use of nanotechnology because the information mentioned in the Guide to the Future of Humanity (Known simply as Guide) and The Entirety of Nature Theory; (Also known as TENT) because the Guide and TENT+ [Intermediate Message +Timeline of the future] =the completed MTH website.
This document and the Introduction and Summarization of IM, as well as IM itself, and the pictures making up the front page of the site will also compose the transformed Message to Humankind website
How the basic use of nanotechnology got started
How the basic use of nanotechnology got started
How the basic use of nanotechnology got started is through the building of a silicocarbon nanotube fiber.
A silicocarbon nanotube fiber consists of the bonding together of pairs of silicocarbon nanotubes (which are comprised of bonded silicon nanotubes and carbon nanotubes). This would make up the interior of a nanomachine. The exterior of a nanomachine would be made up of electro-organic nanomaterials.
The following information explains what electro-organic nanomaterials are and how they would be made.
Electro-organic nanomaterials serve as the skin of nanomachines. They also are the key component that bonds silicocarbon nanotube fibers into each other making up silicocarbon nanotube fiber composite. This serves as the highly successful technologically engineered foundation of nanotechnology, because electroorganic nanomaterials provide the electromagnetic means to interact with other elements, compounds, and their atoms and molecules! (This key nanotechnological idea, as presented in IM, could be the primary factor in our being able to implement nanotechnology to its fullest potential and promise!) The electro-organic nanomaterials are inspired by and based upon biochemical systems, which, by the way, involve many elements and the interaction of those elements and the compounds that they make up! How? This is done thru nanoscale electrochemical interaction of the silicocarbon nanotube fibers with the electroorganic nanomaterials!
(I am going to eventually put info here.)
A replicator would build nanomachines.
In addition to greatly helping to restore and enhance the Earth, including the living world, also known as the biosphere; nanomachines will also be used to make nanotechnological pollution prevention technology for automobiles and other motorized sources of transportation. This would work by utilizing layers of silicocarbon nanotube fibers and electroorganic nanomaterials to electrochemically neutralize pollutants! This would also result in more material for building additional future silicocarbon nanotube fibers, starting the process of what will become what I call a nanotechnological recycling and waste reduction system.
How the basic use of nanotechnology got started is through the building of a silicocarbon nanotube fiber.
A silicocarbon nanotube fiber consists of the bonding together of pairs of silicocarbon nanotubes (which are comprised of bonded silicon nanotubes and carbon nanotubes). This would make up the interior of a nanomachine. The exterior of a nanomachine would be made up of electro-organic nanomaterials.
The following information explains what electro-organic nanomaterials are and how they would be made.
Electro-organic nanomaterials serve as the skin of nanomachines. They also are the key component that bonds silicocarbon nanotube fibers into each other making up silicocarbon nanotube fiber composite. This serves as the highly successful technologically engineered foundation of nanotechnology, because electroorganic nanomaterials provide the electromagnetic means to interact with other elements, compounds, and their atoms and molecules! (This key nanotechnological idea, as presented in IM, could be the primary factor in our being able to implement nanotechnology to its fullest potential and promise!) The electro-organic nanomaterials are inspired by and based upon biochemical systems, which, by the way, involve many elements and the interaction of those elements and the compounds that they make up! How? This is done thru nanoscale electrochemical interaction of the silicocarbon nanotube fibers with the electroorganic nanomaterials!
(I am going to eventually put info here.)
A replicator would build nanomachines.
In addition to greatly helping to restore and enhance the Earth, including the living world, also known as the biosphere; nanomachines will also be used to make nanotechnological pollution prevention technology for automobiles and other motorized sources of transportation. This would work by utilizing layers of silicocarbon nanotube fibers and electroorganic nanomaterials to electrochemically neutralize pollutants! This would also result in more material for building additional future silicocarbon nanotube fibers, starting the process of what will become what I call a nanotechnological recycling and waste reduction system.
How to prepare for the unknown future outcomes of IM
How to prepare for the unknown future outcomes of Intermediate Message
Gradually this would lead to more cooperation and global teamwork-caused changes that in turn, would lead the people of the UPEC collectively figuring even more advanced scientific and technological research and development. This has to do with the theoretical and practical figuring out of guide and TENT.
(This is where I would put in a picture of a map of the world)
For right know, these 2 documents known fully as the Guide to the Future of Humanity, and
The Entirety of Nature Theory (TENT) would be known as the key to unlocking the door to humanity’s future because once the Guide and TENT are put online on the updated and transformed Message To Humankind (MTH) Website; that would result in the finalized MTH website. The soon-to-be completed MTH website would include Guide and TENT.
The “key” to unlocking humanity’s “door” to its future involves the Guide. This is about the large scale and advanced use of nanotechnology as well as advanced large scale engineering based off of nanotechnology also known as extreme nanotechnological engineering. This greatly involves completely photonic engineering and such systems related to them especially holographic projection, holographic data and telecommunications transmission, encoding, processing and storage technology. Who knows this might include technologies we haven’t even imagined?
The other 50% of such a key is the TENT which in my personal opinion is the true theory of everything. My idea of what makes a theory the true theory of everything is that it has to encompass all the sciences from the oldest to the newest. It also has to account for and try to explain everything that is discovered using nanotechnologicallly engineered technologies. Finally it has to be able to figure out sooner or later, how to turn all enlightened science fiction into reality, since science fiction is where scientific and technological research and development begins. Simply put TENT is a collective theory where all the known pieces of the puzzle of nature are put in; and new puzzle pieces are found and fit, until it allows for new changes that allow the Intermediate Message to eventually lead to the ****Future Message 40 years from now…
(How this would happen is thru the interaction of Guide and TENT. The new and more advanced scientific knowledge that results from nanotechnologically engineered technological equipment, could built on one-day new scientific principles; to result in the completion of the Guide perhaps in again in slightly 1-2 years after IM stops affecting the world directly. After the IM would stop affecting the world directly the Guide and TENT would. The IM would continue to affect the world greatly for decades, but that would be indirect for vastly most of the time.
I’ve also discovered conceptually that even the Guide and TENT do not directly lead to the future message.
The basis for the future message could in the future built upon advanced alien communications in ways we don’t conceive now, could result in the advanced Guide and advanced TENT! The Advanced Guide and TENT could one day prove to the conceptual framework and foundation of Future Message!) =Could one day be known as a big clue as well as big stepping stone to Future Message!
This also helps to reinforce and support the notion above:
A document that is written possibly 40 years from now could be more advanced than we can imagine if the history of technological and scientific progress is exponential.
Gradually this would lead to more cooperation and global teamwork-caused changes that in turn, would lead the people of the UPEC collectively figuring even more advanced scientific and technological research and development. This has to do with the theoretical and practical figuring out of guide and TENT.
(This is where I would put in a picture of a map of the world)
For right know, these 2 documents known fully as the Guide to the Future of Humanity, and
The Entirety of Nature Theory (TENT) would be known as the key to unlocking the door to humanity’s future because once the Guide and TENT are put online on the updated and transformed Message To Humankind (MTH) Website; that would result in the finalized MTH website. The soon-to-be completed MTH website would include Guide and TENT.
The “key” to unlocking humanity’s “door” to its future involves the Guide. This is about the large scale and advanced use of nanotechnology as well as advanced large scale engineering based off of nanotechnology also known as extreme nanotechnological engineering. This greatly involves completely photonic engineering and such systems related to them especially holographic projection, holographic data and telecommunications transmission, encoding, processing and storage technology. Who knows this might include technologies we haven’t even imagined?
The other 50% of such a key is the TENT which in my personal opinion is the true theory of everything. My idea of what makes a theory the true theory of everything is that it has to encompass all the sciences from the oldest to the newest. It also has to account for and try to explain everything that is discovered using nanotechnologicallly engineered technologies. Finally it has to be able to figure out sooner or later, how to turn all enlightened science fiction into reality, since science fiction is where scientific and technological research and development begins. Simply put TENT is a collective theory where all the known pieces of the puzzle of nature are put in; and new puzzle pieces are found and fit, until it allows for new changes that allow the Intermediate Message to eventually lead to the ****Future Message 40 years from now…
(How this would happen is thru the interaction of Guide and TENT. The new and more advanced scientific knowledge that results from nanotechnologically engineered technological equipment, could built on one-day new scientific principles; to result in the completion of the Guide perhaps in again in slightly 1-2 years after IM stops affecting the world directly. After the IM would stop affecting the world directly the Guide and TENT would. The IM would continue to affect the world greatly for decades, but that would be indirect for vastly most of the time.
I’ve also discovered conceptually that even the Guide and TENT do not directly lead to the future message.
The basis for the future message could in the future built upon advanced alien communications in ways we don’t conceive now, could result in the advanced Guide and advanced TENT! The Advanced Guide and TENT could one day prove to the conceptual framework and foundation of Future Message!) =Could one day be known as a big clue as well as big stepping stone to Future Message!
This also helps to reinforce and support the notion above:
A document that is written possibly 40 years from now could be more advanced than we can imagine if the history of technological and scientific progress is exponential.
Here's how to simpl construct a humanlike
Here’s how to simply construct a humanlike artificial intelligence.
The *4 specific factors that make a humanlike Artificial Intelligence work:
1. Photoelectronic
2. Nanoscale
3. Parallel
IN order for these 3 factors to multiply to equal humanlike artificial intelligence, it must have a 4th factor: Massively Parallel. *(MP) These 3 together to emergent properties equals an artificial intelligence.
How do you get from parallel to massively parallel? Well you have all these 3 together, you simply miniaturize these [3] until there in the parts multiply to form multiple artificial intelligences [thru emergent properties multiplying emergent properties] to equal a centralized artificial intelligence subsystem. This is in a single circuit board and later becomes built on a single chip! This alone “controls” a single humanlike robot. (This can be “thought” of as the mind of a robot, in fact this really is the mind of a robot in most regards. That is why the words ‘controls’ and ‘thoughts’ are ______.)
The *4 specific factors that make a humanlike Artificial Intelligence work:
1. Photoelectronic
2. Nanoscale
3. Parallel
IN order for these 3 factors to multiply to equal humanlike artificial intelligence, it must have a 4th factor: Massively Parallel. *(MP) These 3 together to emergent properties equals an artificial intelligence.
How do you get from parallel to massively parallel? Well you have all these 3 together, you simply miniaturize these [3] until there in the parts multiply to form multiple artificial intelligences [thru emergent properties multiplying emergent properties] to equal a centralized artificial intelligence subsystem. This is in a single circuit board and later becomes built on a single chip! This alone “controls” a single humanlike robot. (This can be “thought” of as the mind of a robot, in fact this really is the mind of a robot in most regards. That is why the words ‘controls’ and ‘thoughts’ are ______.)
Global Communication and Co-Operation
Global Communication and Co-Operation
*Forgiveness (Involving spiritual relaxation) leads to communication
Communication leads to understanding
Understanding (Involving *Acceptance) leads to regional and international cooperation
International cooperation leads to planetary teamwork
Planetary Teamwork leads to collective problem solving (Involving examples from history that we have changed. It also includes ones from the response results of the Message for 7 months after the December 20004 Tsunami that hit Oceania, India and Eastern Africa. I have actual articles. They are in the ¼ of the basement!)
(This is based on emotional, spiritual and social forgiveness, acceptance between cultures and races, and whole-hearted cooperation between all nations of the world. To have a basic understanding the IM starts out with a simple balance, harmony and prosperity of the analytical and spiritual mind! Later on it gets more complex, predicting the future outcomes, events and eventually having a timeline both science fiction/ scientific timeline based on gradually exponential change! )
Cultural understanding, respect, and closer inter-relations
Responsible and compassionate governments
Advancements in global emergency response capabilities
Advancing global co-operation for shared intelligence to overcome fear of the unknown
A stronger UN system to implement these plans/ideas at all levels
*Forgiveness (Involving spiritual relaxation) leads to communication
Communication leads to understanding
Understanding (Involving *Acceptance) leads to regional and international cooperation
International cooperation leads to planetary teamwork
Planetary Teamwork leads to collective problem solving (Involving examples from history that we have changed. It also includes ones from the response results of the Message for 7 months after the December 20004 Tsunami that hit Oceania, India and Eastern Africa. I have actual articles. They are in the ¼ of the basement!)
(This is based on emotional, spiritual and social forgiveness, acceptance between cultures and races, and whole-hearted cooperation between all nations of the world. To have a basic understanding the IM starts out with a simple balance, harmony and prosperity of the analytical and spiritual mind! Later on it gets more complex, predicting the future outcomes, events and eventually having a timeline both science fiction/ scientific timeline based on gradually exponential change! )
Cultural understanding, respect, and closer inter-relations
Responsible and compassionate governments
Advancements in global emergency response capabilities
Advancing global co-operation for shared intelligence to overcome fear of the unknown
A stronger UN system to implement these plans/ideas at all levels
Finding a way to free civilization from fossil fuels
*Finding a way to free civilization from fossil fuels and related challenges like global warming and urban sprawl.
(2005: This last results of the message which are the US gov’t stepping in to actually solve our nation’s environmental problems! They create an environmental equivalent of the TSA, the Federal Recycling, Reducing, and Reusing Regulation Agency! They manage the $ 500 trillion National Recycling Fund! The Federal Environmental Restoration Agency is created to restore the ecosystems in and around the Untied States! )
The United Nations Global Environmental Restoration Organization is created to restore the biosphere of Earth!
This makes all of this possible!
This is used to fund advanced conservation based sustainable development! This gives money towards to making our nation and others collectively under the UN a better place! This is done by creating sustainable products, materials and technology, as well as sustainable fuel from Middle East!
How this would work is shipping plastics from the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, and Western Europe to Middle East. IN the Middle East it will be combined with wheat from the United States, and agricultural products from Italy and Greece! The agricultural products will be grown from ash shipped from various ash-producing nations in the world! The agricultural products made in Italy and Greece would be shipped to Middle East nations like Egypt.
The extremely extra other grains besides corn and wheat would be grown in south-eastern Asia and Oceania with the use of ash, a organic and natural fertilizer! The [extra] olives and olive oils; barley, wheat, sugar, corn oils; oils from restaurants; corn, vegetable oils, rice, and oats are going to be mixed in a percentage of originally 2% petroleum in the form of plastics to be melted again! They would be mixed in a machine that is placed in the northern most Sahara Desert! They would be powered by thermosolar energy! This machine is shaped like cone with 4 tubes coming out of it. Inside the cone-shaped-part are 3 mixer blades that spin as fast as a jet engine! There are heaters inside of it, heating it to 3000 Degrees F, and melting the plastic, wheat and other grains! This mixes it to one fuel! The 4-tube-shaped-parts-of-it comes out to be the sustainable fuel is cooled to room temp from 3000 Degrees F! The resultant liquid is cooled by pipes of ice-cold-water-from-the-Mediterranean Sea that bring it in! The pumps for this are also powered by thermosolar energy and solar energy itself!
The cold water makes the cooling part work! The cooling part is a hot-dog-shaped part-coming off of the 4 skinny-tube-shaped parts! It cools the fuel off by bring rock-solid-ice-cold water to cool the fuel down to where all the heat is escaping thru open radiators!
The extremely hot and gaseous water will be flowed down to a station near the mouth of the Nile River, where it will cooled down from hundreds of degrees F to room temp! This is also powered by extremely enormous thermosolar panels!
The cold-fuel will be shipped in pipe lines that will to ports in the month of the Nile River! The ports will have leak-proof fuel containers that will go on board ships that will transport them to industrial nations!
This will involve the following:
· Sustainable medical research and development
Sustainable agricultural advances and production
Sustainable educational programs
Environmental protection and sustainable development
Sustainable spiritual and humanitarian outreach (ic. Doing God’s Work)
Trillions of trees would be planted in the world to counteract these small carbon emissions! After this first started with the use of nanotechnology, the content of petroleum would drop to absolute 0%! *Then with the microscopic use of nanobiotechnology based on alternate nanomaterials, enabling genetically stable cloning; it helped to bring back dead coral reefs to life again!
The nanomaterials could also used for a more energy efficient automobile!
***=The pollutants for the transportation would be neutralized by a nanocollection array technology. This is a nanotechnology based automotive technology that chemically neutralizes pollutants and prevents them form adding to pollution again! This happens thru the molecular rearrangement of carbon molecules and nanomaterial from electronic waste!
A creation of nanotechologically based solar panels, and a nanotechnologically based battery makes this below possible! This works thru individual nanoscale sized cells that absorb a single photon of light. Industrial Replicators would help to built this!
A nanotechnological battery would last much longer. It would hold a single charge much longer and also discharge at a slower rate. Nanolayers of silicocarbon nanotube fiber composite. It could be make in such as way that that molecular electric, magnetic and electromagnetic forces could prevent or at least minimize the loss of current during charging!
This would result in electric automobiles and all electric transportation, and if needed, ion propulsion!
After this happens it is very important to have these ideas:
Note: Ash based farming would use less fertilizer and thus would need less space because it would be more productive than before!
*An urban & suburban redevelopment and metropolitan area reduction tax!
*A farming and rural settlement reduction tax
Gov’t reform tax
(Maybe) A scientific and technological research and development tax
*= One exception to these ideas are that in less populated areas of the world including the Western United States and Western Canada; because of the smaller need to repopulate cities and towns, they would only repopulate the largest and nearest possible town or city, even if it is not very big like Detroit or Chicago! Also another part to this exception is that towns and villages formally something different in the past could become *ecotourism, *geotourism or even *biogeoecotourism towns! (This results from the combination of ecotourism and geotourism towns!)
Nanotechnologically based scientific instruments that are more efficient, more powerful, and cheaper, etc would result in more advanced and faster scientific and technological research and development! They use newly created ILCs and PCBs! This would first result in the elevated transportation. The elevated transportation would start to be automated because of photoelectronic circuit boards! (PCB) (A PCB works thru miniature LEDs producing the optical signals needed to go thru the photoconduits on a future circuit board! IN order to produce these photonic signals a new and unconventional type of diode: a photoelectronic diode is needed. In fact it is the very first photoelectronic device ever to be invented just like the light bulb is the very first electrical device to be created! A photoelectronic is simply known as Light Emitting, Channeling, and Transferring Diode [LECTD] The IM would talk more about this later as you read on…) These would eventually be multileveled and start to be integrated, with the last basic use of nanotechnology! Integrated LED Circuit (ILC) lights would replace the long-overdue old fashioned conventional light bulb!
After you create electric cars and trains you would need to create elevated transportation systems. *This would allow wildlife to be able to migrate.
An ILC would work thru millions of LEDs arranged in parallel, adding to the individual output of LEDS and multiplying the total luminance, eventually equaling or exceeding the output of a conventional light source!
The photoelectronic circuit board would make energy efficient digital technology possible! This is also going to lead to digital technology rapidly and universally replacing analogue technology!
The stronger UN System would be the blueprint for the intercontinental constitution which then would tell how to create a world government.
There would be 6 levels of planetary political representation:
Regional (Within a conutry0
State/Provincial or other
6A. Suburban
6B. Urban
This represents part of a futuristic tax system that works partially on what was previously mentioned and the concept of true machine intelligence. Why this is important because part of the bridge form I.M. is found in Insert Page and specifically TKTT! This involves photoelectronic circuits leading to advanced photoelectronic circuits involving telesisters, eventually in the nanoscale! This would result in true artificial intelligence. This would result in automated and much more efficient operation of society starting in science and engineering to the operation of businesses and governments and other organizations and civilization as a whole all because of efficient, fast and automatic language translation! This would result in the efficient operation of a world government!
Going up you multiply the taxes from individual people and businesses to huge groups of industries and populations!
Going down you divide the taxies to reach individual people and business form the biggest set of populations and even entire industries!
This would also include a human rights article and legislation!
In order for the world government to work in practice, it must have some sort of currency. Every form of government has a way to regulate physical technologies, ideas thru the system of economics or currency ($). Just as sciences could obviously be turned into technologies which then could be turned into products, this is turn where a new branch of political science falls in!
The world government would regulate the technologies and products developed thru nanotechnological scientific and technological research and development thru the use of photoelectronic currency! It would look like a card! Every time someone works harder, digital credits would be retransmitted and “added” to the card thru simultaneous reprogramming. (SR) The minireplicator would build the photoelectronic currency card. Its main feature would that it would be universal. It would have any local features. The different sounds, shapes, colors, and patterns and so on associated with a particular card would be making them so diverse and be an important indicator of the diversity of UPEC as the world civilization is called!
*=As soon as the sustainable growth of the UPEC starts, a global parks system is established!
(2005: This last results of the message which are the US gov’t stepping in to actually solve our nation’s environmental problems! They create an environmental equivalent of the TSA, the Federal Recycling, Reducing, and Reusing Regulation Agency! They manage the $ 500 trillion National Recycling Fund! The Federal Environmental Restoration Agency is created to restore the ecosystems in and around the Untied States! )
The United Nations Global Environmental Restoration Organization is created to restore the biosphere of Earth!
This makes all of this possible!
This is used to fund advanced conservation based sustainable development! This gives money towards to making our nation and others collectively under the UN a better place! This is done by creating sustainable products, materials and technology, as well as sustainable fuel from Middle East!
How this would work is shipping plastics from the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, and Western Europe to Middle East. IN the Middle East it will be combined with wheat from the United States, and agricultural products from Italy and Greece! The agricultural products will be grown from ash shipped from various ash-producing nations in the world! The agricultural products made in Italy and Greece would be shipped to Middle East nations like Egypt.
The extremely extra other grains besides corn and wheat would be grown in south-eastern Asia and Oceania with the use of ash, a organic and natural fertilizer! The [extra] olives and olive oils; barley, wheat, sugar, corn oils; oils from restaurants; corn, vegetable oils, rice, and oats are going to be mixed in a percentage of originally 2% petroleum in the form of plastics to be melted again! They would be mixed in a machine that is placed in the northern most Sahara Desert! They would be powered by thermosolar energy! This machine is shaped like cone with 4 tubes coming out of it. Inside the cone-shaped-part are 3 mixer blades that spin as fast as a jet engine! There are heaters inside of it, heating it to 3000 Degrees F, and melting the plastic, wheat and other grains! This mixes it to one fuel! The 4-tube-shaped-parts-of-it comes out to be the sustainable fuel is cooled to room temp from 3000 Degrees F! The resultant liquid is cooled by pipes of ice-cold-water-from-the-Mediterranean Sea that bring it in! The pumps for this are also powered by thermosolar energy and solar energy itself!
The cold water makes the cooling part work! The cooling part is a hot-dog-shaped part-coming off of the 4 skinny-tube-shaped parts! It cools the fuel off by bring rock-solid-ice-cold water to cool the fuel down to where all the heat is escaping thru open radiators!
The extremely hot and gaseous water will be flowed down to a station near the mouth of the Nile River, where it will cooled down from hundreds of degrees F to room temp! This is also powered by extremely enormous thermosolar panels!
The cold-fuel will be shipped in pipe lines that will to ports in the month of the Nile River! The ports will have leak-proof fuel containers that will go on board ships that will transport them to industrial nations!
This will involve the following:
· Sustainable medical research and development
Sustainable agricultural advances and production
Sustainable educational programs
Environmental protection and sustainable development
Sustainable spiritual and humanitarian outreach (ic. Doing God’s Work)
Trillions of trees would be planted in the world to counteract these small carbon emissions! After this first started with the use of nanotechnology, the content of petroleum would drop to absolute 0%! *Then with the microscopic use of nanobiotechnology based on alternate nanomaterials, enabling genetically stable cloning; it helped to bring back dead coral reefs to life again!
The nanomaterials could also used for a more energy efficient automobile!
***=The pollutants for the transportation would be neutralized by a nanocollection array technology. This is a nanotechnology based automotive technology that chemically neutralizes pollutants and prevents them form adding to pollution again! This happens thru the molecular rearrangement of carbon molecules and nanomaterial from electronic waste!
A creation of nanotechologically based solar panels, and a nanotechnologically based battery makes this below possible! This works thru individual nanoscale sized cells that absorb a single photon of light. Industrial Replicators would help to built this!
A nanotechnological battery would last much longer. It would hold a single charge much longer and also discharge at a slower rate. Nanolayers of silicocarbon nanotube fiber composite. It could be make in such as way that that molecular electric, magnetic and electromagnetic forces could prevent or at least minimize the loss of current during charging!
This would result in electric automobiles and all electric transportation, and if needed, ion propulsion!
After this happens it is very important to have these ideas:
Note: Ash based farming would use less fertilizer and thus would need less space because it would be more productive than before!
*An urban & suburban redevelopment and metropolitan area reduction tax!
*A farming and rural settlement reduction tax
Gov’t reform tax
(Maybe) A scientific and technological research and development tax
*= One exception to these ideas are that in less populated areas of the world including the Western United States and Western Canada; because of the smaller need to repopulate cities and towns, they would only repopulate the largest and nearest possible town or city, even if it is not very big like Detroit or Chicago! Also another part to this exception is that towns and villages formally something different in the past could become *ecotourism, *geotourism or even *biogeoecotourism towns! (This results from the combination of ecotourism and geotourism towns!)
Nanotechnologically based scientific instruments that are more efficient, more powerful, and cheaper, etc would result in more advanced and faster scientific and technological research and development! They use newly created ILCs and PCBs! This would first result in the elevated transportation. The elevated transportation would start to be automated because of photoelectronic circuit boards! (PCB) (A PCB works thru miniature LEDs producing the optical signals needed to go thru the photoconduits on a future circuit board! IN order to produce these photonic signals a new and unconventional type of diode: a photoelectronic diode is needed. In fact it is the very first photoelectronic device ever to be invented just like the light bulb is the very first electrical device to be created! A photoelectronic is simply known as Light Emitting, Channeling, and Transferring Diode [LECTD] The IM would talk more about this later as you read on…) These would eventually be multileveled and start to be integrated, with the last basic use of nanotechnology! Integrated LED Circuit (ILC) lights would replace the long-overdue old fashioned conventional light bulb!
After you create electric cars and trains you would need to create elevated transportation systems. *This would allow wildlife to be able to migrate.
An ILC would work thru millions of LEDs arranged in parallel, adding to the individual output of LEDS and multiplying the total luminance, eventually equaling or exceeding the output of a conventional light source!
The photoelectronic circuit board would make energy efficient digital technology possible! This is also going to lead to digital technology rapidly and universally replacing analogue technology!
The stronger UN System would be the blueprint for the intercontinental constitution which then would tell how to create a world government.
There would be 6 levels of planetary political representation:
Regional (Within a conutry0
State/Provincial or other
6A. Suburban
6B. Urban
This represents part of a futuristic tax system that works partially on what was previously mentioned and the concept of true machine intelligence. Why this is important because part of the bridge form I.M. is found in Insert Page and specifically TKTT! This involves photoelectronic circuits leading to advanced photoelectronic circuits involving telesisters, eventually in the nanoscale! This would result in true artificial intelligence. This would result in automated and much more efficient operation of society starting in science and engineering to the operation of businesses and governments and other organizations and civilization as a whole all because of efficient, fast and automatic language translation! This would result in the efficient operation of a world government!
Going up you multiply the taxes from individual people and businesses to huge groups of industries and populations!
Going down you divide the taxies to reach individual people and business form the biggest set of populations and even entire industries!
This would also include a human rights article and legislation!
In order for the world government to work in practice, it must have some sort of currency. Every form of government has a way to regulate physical technologies, ideas thru the system of economics or currency ($). Just as sciences could obviously be turned into technologies which then could be turned into products, this is turn where a new branch of political science falls in!
The world government would regulate the technologies and products developed thru nanotechnological scientific and technological research and development thru the use of photoelectronic currency! It would look like a card! Every time someone works harder, digital credits would be retransmitted and “added” to the card thru simultaneous reprogramming. (SR) The minireplicator would build the photoelectronic currency card. Its main feature would that it would be universal. It would have any local features. The different sounds, shapes, colors, and patterns and so on associated with a particular card would be making them so diverse and be an important indicator of the diversity of UPEC as the world civilization is called!
*=As soon as the sustainable growth of the UPEC starts, a global parks system is established!
Engineered Structures
Engineered Structures made up of them
This in turn works together on a larger scale in what is known as a hypercentralized (When I use the prefix hyper, I mean vastly beyond what we have conceived.) artificial intelligence system. This is the artificially intelligent future version of today’s internet. This has many jobs, which start with _______, _________ and _________!
If you continue on reading this, you will eventually reach a point in which the Intermediate Message goes in more depth, and explains more of my concepts of artificial intelligence.
This in turn works together on a larger scale in what is known as a hypercentralized (When I use the prefix hyper, I mean vastly beyond what we have conceived.) artificial intelligence system. This is the artificially intelligent future version of today’s internet. This has many jobs, which start with _______, _________ and _________!
If you continue on reading this, you will eventually reach a point in which the Intermediate Message goes in more depth, and explains more of my concepts of artificial intelligence.
At last we are going to talk
At last we are going to talk specifically how the ideas in TENT translate to making a humanlike Artificial Intelligence.
According to TENT, since the concepts of ADA, ALT and ARS involve mathematics, and specifically scientific data analysis (Which by the way involved symbolic logic and reasoning. The intelligence of humans is the most complex of all primates, all because doing somehow to do on how thru evolution we became civilized as a species. This also mysteriously involves a gene for complex symbolic language as well as a massively pallerall [internet-like] brain.) Since this is applied to everywhere and everything else in civilization (civilized species) especially in what is in parentheses and brackets; that is the reason why you specially need a humanlike Artificial Intelligence.
According to TENT, since the concepts of ADA, ALT and ARS involve mathematics, and specifically scientific data analysis (Which by the way involved symbolic logic and reasoning. The intelligence of humans is the most complex of all primates, all because doing somehow to do on how thru evolution we became civilized as a species. This also mysteriously involves a gene for complex symbolic language as well as a massively pallerall [internet-like] brain.) Since this is applied to everywhere and everything else in civilization (civilized species) especially in what is in parentheses and brackets; that is the reason why you specially need a humanlike Artificial Intelligence.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
*After the end of Intermediate Message: the way to complete the bridge between the transformed and finalized MTH website and beyond… (This is about when humanity will begin to experience; is a continued series of great changes that become greatly significant changes. This coincides with the end of the Modern Era and the Beginning of the Futuristic Era.[This is also known as the Post-Modern Era] The beginning of the futuristic Era also happens to occur at the end of the Final MTH website’s outcomes, whenever that is. This happens to take place in the late 2010’s and early 2020’s, at the end of the first quarter of the 21st century and who knows even all the way to the year 3001 and beyond, at the end of what could be known as the 1st New Mellenium!)
The very greatest and eventually final outcomes of the nanotechnology revolution
(This shows the series of most major and eventually the last and ultimate outcomes of the nanotechnology revolution which are the following)
They start with automated nanotechnologically based recycling centers
and processing plants create the first ***futuristic jobs, businesses and industries
that set the stage for the rest of the future by beginning to establish a powerful
enough democratic Earth civilization (From the blueprint that would be the entire
United Nations) that constantly and continually PROMOTES THE 2
(1A) Scientific and technological research and development
(1B) Be able to cooperatively and constructively deal with and solve all current world problems in order to enter the next era of civilization beyond the nanotechnology age
(2.) Education
The very greatest and eventually final outcomes of the nanotechnology revolution
(This shows the series of most major and eventually the last and ultimate outcomes of the nanotechnology revolution which are the following)
They start with automated nanotechnologically based recycling centers
and processing plants create the first ***futuristic jobs, businesses and industries
that set the stage for the rest of the future by beginning to establish a powerful
enough democratic Earth civilization (From the blueprint that would be the entire
United Nations) that constantly and continually PROMOTES THE 2
(1A) Scientific and technological research and development
(1B) Be able to cooperatively and constructively deal with and solve all current world problems in order to enter the next era of civilization beyond the nanotechnology age
(2.) Education
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