Wednesday, March 21, 2012

When the discionison of the near –the-end crisis and situation forced the repusiic to act against the separatist and even affected and involved the highacy elder mininsigtyry of light, the republic after learned about what the separatists had done to many alliances and palnets and orgainztions and cvizliagtions and species and indusigtals esp to torture hyperswimmmers and hyper-swimmers alliqanced using harmless holo-hydro-aqua-hyper-stasis hyperswimming water belly swim torture spasm arousel; the repusierlif the republic suddenly and without warning to the sperqatrist had deccraded civil war-the FINAL CIVIL WAR against the sepeeratist and had to dismandtle the underground insitiional hive overlord supervillain separatist force otherwise known as the separatist supervillain force, or known also as the overlord separatists; ultrovillain (this guy start out as a supervillain but turned into a superhero eventually) separatists. 

Once the Republic finally invaded badly repusited areas of Boka City, Atimoiia and also invaded several other areas on other palnets most done secrely to evade the enemy; infact even to target the enemy; etc; the clones, the Jedi, the MIB, the orburith completely ad soutely wiped out the influence even down to the chain of command and control of the sperqtiswt foces on millions and billions and googolplexes of sep control that they put an end to this civil war and slowly but carfully and secretly defeated and wiped and took over, take out and took down, overturn and ovderthruoghy the ancient but powerful chain of control,; in fact officially known as the chain of command, influence, control that the most powerful ally of the srepetrsits, the vorta, etc contorled and dictated and authority autocratically misused and abused and restrained and oppressed, suppressed, and repressed the one of largest quadtrand district terrorieies of the UCRC, the Vorta Providence, had been curreupted by polical andetc overabouse, overmisuse of power etc.

They send great massive warship and battleship spacecraft, spaceships, starships and motherships into battle AGAINST the wh;ich would be involvilng and or against rare butand elite high level ranking, member(S)  individuals, inhabitants citizens etc  of the Republic  and the Jedi and the Clones. 
The farther down you go in the repulierlift skyscraper and the canyon levels in Boka City Atimonia, the more eroded, worn, and weathered and adequate and old miles and miles and  miles of old buildings and skyscrapers for mile  and  miles lay dormant the buildings themselves partially somewhat but not completely abadanced,and up on the vertical canyons the buildings lay somewhat dormant and old recileant from the old ancient times long ago in the republic and the UCRC but more remaining and old and relicty old worn out ancient buildings and skyscrapers as they are very easily worn and weathered and decayed and cleared out and worn and weathered and worn down buildings enough that they are sometimes slaved and alone and maybe other most other times not alone and (not hyperswimmingingly sexually enslaved by speratist underground insittional overlord super villain separatist forces. ) and not enslaved/slaved/ alone /whatever/what the heck/what the heck is going on???>>>/_____SEND_____----- the buildings are very deep and ancient and but more modern and advanced repusierlift high rises exist from the world of aboce middle and below…  when you start to immneitlelty and ecentualy down enough theareas start to get very abdanded and deserted and dialect and but that very extremely rarely if very extremely seldomnly rarely if ever happens but down deep enough you reach some levels alought not entirely abanceda nd they become relicy to the ancient history of the deep lower underground core that you tent to reach areas that are deeper, more ancient once you get much more and much much more deeper; you also happen to get areas that are more classical like type  ecen thought they are still modern and futuristic, you happen to get areas that are actually anktecienck, and releckly acnienkck.  Once you get down, deep down; far enough, you actually start to get to the actual true foundation framework core root basement frame root work base root skyscraper buildings.  

These gigantic and huge enormous collostal buildings, which are futuristic repulsuierlift skyscrapers  get more entangled, entrenched, enrooted and enveloped and especially intersected, intercombined interlapping, and interlinking, and esp the buildings are able to connect to deep lower underground core root basement levels and street levels though intersected interoverlappeing interoverinterlinking regions of deep level repusierlift lane traffic that gets so deeply entangled and entrenched, enrooted and enveloped that-in-the-way-that-the-original-inhabitance-ofpanet-antimonia-Atimonians-like-to-call-tt; a vast layer level of the City of Boka City Atimoina that in fact even, the various levels and layers of crisscrossing intermixing interparrellel ingtersecting deep-enough-level crisscrossing intermixing intersecting repuslierlift layers; and levels of repusierlift traffic streams deeply crisscrossing layers/levels of overflowing but crisscrossing and interremergeding and inter diverging and interconverging and intermerging layers of crisscrossing streams of unending repusierlift traffic, or a repusierlift traffic steram as the Atimonians like to call it.

The farther down enought you actual reach true deep level or deep core level repusierilft root foundation canyons as the Atimonians like to call it, very deep level cyperlazerithnautsscapelift canyons, cyperdragscapenautlifts canyons, cyberflowscapes, cybervelluciularscapes, cyberchannelscapes, cyperstraitscapes, cyber corrdoirscapes, cyberlamberithscapes, cybercanyonscapes, cyberstratascapes, and cyberascendentscapes, cyber descendscapes, cyberprotrudantscapes, cyperextrotrudeantscapes, cyberintroduntscapes, cyperprojectantscapes, cybertrajectantscapes, cypervertice;vortice, vartice, cypercollum, cyberrow, cyberembankmentscapes, cyberascentdantscapes, cyberabyssscapes,, cyberbankmentscapes,  cyber corescapes, cybercrevicescapes, cyberbareasscapes, cyberdrrasicailiodscapes, cyberembankmentscapes, cyberf/ n/a ;  cyberg/ n/a cyberh n/a cyberi n/a cyberj n/a cyber k, cyperlazerithnautsscapelift canyons, o, cybermirrowscape, , n p, q, r, s, t, u, cybervoidscapes, w, x y z, 
The foundatons of these in turn happen to meet the root core middle lower level or middle lower core lower middle core lower level etc  when the hit upon the cybercollumn, cyberrowscape, cyber

The entire length of the repusierlift canyons start out at the cyber; and end up at the cyber  cyberascentdantscapes, cyberascendentscapes cyberabyssscapes,, cyberbankmentscapes,  cybercorescapes, cybercorrdoirscapes, cybercanyonscapes,  cybercrevicescapes, cypervertice;vortice, vartice, cyberchannelscapes,cypercollum,  cyberbareasscapes, cyberdrrasicailiodscapes, cyperdragscapenautlifts cyberdescendscapes canyons, cyberembankmentscapes, cyperextrotrudeantscapes , cyberflowscapes ;  cyberg/ n/a cyberh n/a cyberintroduntscapes cyberj n/a cyber k, cyperlazerithnautsscapelift canyons, cybermirrowscape, , n  o, cyberprotrudantscapes, q, r, cyperstraitscapes, ,, , cyberstratascapes, cybertrajectantscapes, u, cybervoidscapes, cybervelluciularscapes w, x y z, adscentantscape
 cyberrow cyberembankmentscapes
c cyberembankmentscapes
 ,, , , , and , , , , , , , , ,,, cyberascentdantscapes, cyberabyssscapes,, cyberbankmentscapes,  cybercorescapes, cybercrevicescapes, cyberbareasscapes, cyberdrrasicailiodscapes, cyberembankmentscapes, cyberf/ n/a ;  cyberg/ n/a cyberh n/a cyberi n/a cyberj n/a cyber k, l, o, cybermirrowscape, , n p, q, r, s, t, u, cybervoidscapes, w, x y z, 

future down you go which the fact the repulisilerlift cantyons continue for googplexes of miles into the core; 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Star Wars Episode 19: Galatic Up rising emergence into a new age and new beginning

When several inter-golatic, inter-cosmic, inter-clustral, cyberpunk, cyber-dragsticnot, cyberlazerith-naughtscape, several cyber-section, cyber-sectorscapenaughtscape, cyber-flowscapenught, cypervehiclarscape learned that alliances are being explored, expanded, exchanged and interacted beyond the known realms of the multi-universe multi.  After that, they contact the dsmsic6  500 Mothership. They contacted the mothership (dsmisc6 500) and received new technologies and inventions to help build up Boka City and Atimonia.  They began to develop enormous, huge, gigantic colossal, cyber, strato, info, halo, techno, hover, cyberlazerithnauts, cyber-dragsticnaugghts, cyperflowscapenauts and cypervelecularscapes and cypersectionscapes and cypersectorscapes on Boka City Atimoina part to expand its very own downtown area into the surrounding areas of the planet Atimonia.  The citizens, inhabiants, members, corporations, and the goverments of Atimonia developed enormous, gigantic, collosal, cypberstratohooverinfotechnohollowgrid repulserlift skyscraper canyon levels on Boka City Atimonia.( which in the future message blog and story website you will see will begin to slowly develop millions AND even billions of years into the future)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Star Wars Episode 29:

A billion years after the final defeat of the mightily underworld hive, underground institutional seperatist overlord super villain force alliance

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Star Wars Episode 33:

Start of an introduction tin teh vast unknown of the Mystery Solvers the New Cosmic Beginning includihng the muslti9ger planets industiral planets repousierlift palnetsand citywide cityscape planetwide cityscape repusieirlifts and hyperswimming elvels of lpalnets and then elvels of BOka City inlduing its vast delveopdd and estandinup Subway System and Hyperswimming Levels.

Star Wars Episode 32:

Splash in the immense hydroaquaultraholohyperstrasis hyperswimming intenbse involed undergoing exposed aS A PART of hyperswimming vast parts of underground Boka City cyperrepusierilft skysvcraper caynyon lebvel of the hyperswimmings levels.

etc etvc et vwetc etc etc etc ec etcvetc etc etv net etc etv etc etc net etc

Star Wars Episode 31:

Contact in the hexta decta feta penta septa giga tetra mega super ultra hyper episodeic sigma quasi omega omcron quandtrants of the mutilverse and several undkonwn undisviosidgf etf pososible trace hints and trace sign hints of sepeatist possible seperatist activityy wihich will lead you int the new puzzle game of futuriotropilis...

Star Wars Episode 26: Emergence of a Grand New Order in the Republic

The vast renewal and redelveopment and restrutuing and rteorianatinna nd rebuilding of Boka City and its hyperswiming levels and subway levels and arteas sysetms from hudfreds of thounsands and millions to hundred million and hundred billion years ago of seperatist underground ideologhiclally instyuttional currupt supervilliain force aliance that ulimtely amost lead to the "dismise" and near-dismise of the repusiblica nd boika city atimoina.

Star Wars Episode 24: Rise and Re-Emergence of the Republic

Several regions of the muttiverse saw new ways to reorognaize and reeemrge the republic and several of its local mulitiverse regional district sector area regions into develop more on Boka City and esp hyperswiimming levels on Boka City..

Star Wars Episode 20: Dawn of a new beginning (as part of mystery solvers) : Dawn of a new age : Dawn of a new era

Mutltiple civilziations began to colonize multile regoins of the mutivese or muiltiversal mutlti universe universe and create hyperultradeckachromoholoisosigmaseptaholoultraepsilonomegaoctaomegronhechatetraletravetrawetrayetrazetraqetraaetrabetrabetagammacetradetraeetrafeetraheeetregetrahetyrahetragetraieotajetraotertapentapetraqetraquasimultiultraisohyperdimenionsal wormhole hyperjump hyperisomultidimenional ultrastreamspacial hyperspacial hyperspace slipsteram transtreaam transpace wormhole jump gate tunnels into regions of the mutiple most regcent parts that are a google plex teleltrillion but mostly wiithin a million billion trillion quadtrillion decatyrillion lightyears of a space time area that over eons of several missions that of the republic that took several eons long; they happened to clolonisaze several million billion worlds with repusierlift skyscraper canyon levels.

Local regions important to the seperatists and the republic in the speratist order which comprised the sepertist think tank; sepertist collective hiearchy hive collective overlord supervillain sepertist union head member leaders who sometimes and more frequently composed of sepertist hyperswimming alliance union head leaders and seperatist captured and or captive seperatist captured hyperswimming alliances which also compose most tortured alliances.  How the seperatists control the captured captive hyperswimming alliances \is thru the contorl of wormholwe networks thru the use of multiisoholoultrahyperdimensional wormhole networks in the form of multiisoholoultrahyperdimensional node wormhole networks which the sepertist pervisingly domenikonally contorlled now the control is dimenionsiningly due top the takeover of central unicversal cosmic regional central Republic Control of the nodal hyperspacial, hyperstreaminal hyperdimeninoal wormholes and the takeing over and salving of hyperswimming holoisomultiultrahyperhydroaquaholohyperstasis tranfication technology there were a vast majority of areas once in sepertist control now in Republic terroriry control and the timeline is slowly to gradually speeding up to teh point of even simineoiuoily and infidensionally speeding up on even perhaps infinitely!

Star Wars Episode 23: Rise and Dawn of a New Beginning

Several civilzatoins contacted the local  muiltiverse regional district sector regions into order to develop several planets and several areas of Boka City atimoina.

Star Wars Episode 18- Galatic Re-emergence into a new era order

(Star Wars Episode 18 to 33 show the rise and dawn of a New Republic new generation and or next genreation and the episodes from 20 to 23 to episodes 24 and 25 to episodes 27 and 28 and 29 and 30 and 31 and 32 show the rise reemergence refounding reestabishment and recreating and dawn of a New Galactic Republic: The Next Cosmic Jedi Generation and also New Galactic Republic: The Next Jedi Generation Era and Age and Eon and New Beginning and Next Frontier and Next Jedi Generation etc presents the New Galactic Republic: The Next Jedi Generation Era  and Next New Republic: Galactic Generation) Once the New Galactic Republic also would be konwn as the UCRC in the series Mystery Solvers: the final grand ulimate new beginning: teh new frontier, the new beginning: a new era the new final grand new beginning, and ulimate new beginning "realm"  eras and ages and epoches and periods of eveoluktionary history within the Republic introduces cative captured hyperswimming alliances hyperswimmer planetary society/planetary civilization interconglomerate inter'congregation','cooperation research industrial represeentaitve lower level hyperswimming corpoate industrial areas on the UCRC, the areas of the UCRC specifically have to do with the hiearchy levels of the UCRC and the hicearcy strata levels of the Republic and those two will eventually merge to teh gform the new united unified cengtrialled UCRC\.  These interconglomrate lower levels of the

There would be some forced subjective hyperswimming water torture and or forced subjective hyperswimming meet torture on hyperswimmers all possible hyperswimmers young and old male and female!

But the republic will know about this and will use the full power of full scale fully involved force and the Jedi and the clones on sevceral occasions resolve this bad enounters with the partially-represented-with-bad alliances with the vorta and other civilzitions that they will train republic jedi and clones to stop and nuetralixze  and resolve both threats and actual insitents (several seps invade several planets) and situtions and occurances and pheonomeona and happenings and crisis/s within the multiverse and the republic and the UCRC  These threats and insicnets and situtions and phenomena and occurances and happenings and events and crisis/s happened as a reason that the seperatists still were not completely nutralized and resolve as a result that they had continused to reign harm, disharmony etc within the deepest subface parts of the multiverse and deepest surface underworld and deepest subsurface underground.  As a result of so many war crime trials and conflict and combat and attempts and dark and harmful and harmfully violently dark attempts to regain their control most of the seperatists havecjust surreneded and rejoined the ucrc but some seperatists/ former seperatists have formally been hyperswimmers and (even before that sex slaves) have helped the republic track down capture and defeat the remaining seperatists and seperaist hive overlord supervillains  and stop track capture down and defeat extremeoly dangerious hive overlord seperatist supervillains/forces responbile for secret but now ovious to the UCRC and the repuslic have been doneinbg very termendiouously successively excessively exceedingly very extremely dangerious actually to teh alsomt to infact very extremely dangerious thing part etc that they are superdangerious megadangerious ultradangerious hyperdangerious; supermegadangerious supermegaultadangerious supermegaultrahyperdangerious...    The repuslic had to restore and release and rescue and rebuild and reinsittiute AND reincorpoate and restrfucture the alliances prophets and emmissionaries .
One very inportant concept and storeline plot and concept and senserio cencept is that the intergalactic interclusterial intercomsic Clone Wars precursoir procarion Galalctic Cosmic Repubilc Federation/ confefation alliancce of light including the emmisonariee and the prophets have reached the very chimaicical highight verge pontitial threashold ponetental where the civil war began to reach its very hight(shoen in the Star Wars the Next Jedi Generation TV series and or DVD series) and then over thousands and millions and billions of years and eons more eventually gradually end, and reemege the UCRC and the emrge again the once crowed busy popuated dense center of galctic and cosmic trade, commerce and industry and business in the Milky Way Galaxy, Boka City Atimoina in the movie Star Wars Jouney to the Cosmos and the Star Wars the Voyage to the Cosmos; in the movie it sowned it expand its downtown area/s and the already vast metro system, began to connect and reach and service all areas of Atimonia.

sdiscontructice disintergration distruction violence and currruption and

forge alliances with the miscosiciiaious alliances thiought out the multiverse and the civililizations thoughtout the local regional parts of the multijuitip; ele nad some events some several miles and lightleears of certain worlds with repusliierlift canyons.

However several planets within the multiverse had discovered that secret industtional industrial corpoate technological hyperswimming stasis; hyperswimming hyperstasis and hyperswimming holohydroaquahyperstasis and as well as speratist interaction and invoolvement and contact and UFO seperatist activity and events like secret and secretloy forced and forcingly undergoing and be tickled and bellified and screamified and liquidified and tortured/torturified in hyperswimming meets but not recalling any or and or all of the hyperswimming meets both with sepertirstsand with out seps with the repb!

ulciand underinvolved interaction but had not even mentioned to
mess around and change their interaction thru manuolating and aternating and changing and interfere but they had secretly not in this episode but had done in another region of the mutiverse and in also in another episode had abduced and kiddnapped sevceral alliances thru some unknown speratist force/s process (the full name for teh speratist alliance was the idealogically currupt ittissutionally underground overlord supervilliain force alliance) had turned some extent some part of an unkonwn alliance into some form unkonw form into a captive captured hyperswiming hyperswimming planetary clan hyperswimmer hyperswimming team/hyperswimming meet alliance into a force that was suppressed, oppressed repressed and tortured behind a several allliances that were
Several planets were willing enought to share repusierlift technology that they had introduced cyperlazerithnautscape technology and cyperdragscapenaut technology and cyperflowscape technology that even thouugh there was some seperatist

Describing the electric dark sector

Not only this but these set of photos show new hypothetical laws of somehow intertwined scalar / spatial scalar/ electric spatial scalar/ an...