The farther down you go in the repulierlift skyscraper and the canyon levels in Boka City Atimonia, the more eroded, worn, and weathered and adequate and old miles and miles and miles of old buildings and skyscrapers for mile and miles lay dormant the buildings themselves partially somewhat but not completely abadanced,and up on the vertical canyons the buildings lay somewhat dormant and old recileant from the old ancient times long ago in the republic and the UCRC but more remaining and old and relicty old worn out ancient buildings and skyscrapers as they are very easily worn and weathered and decayed and cleared out and worn and weathered and worn down buildings enough that they are sometimes slaved and alone and maybe other most other times not alone and (not hyperswimmingingly sexually enslaved by speratist underground insittional overlord super villain separatist forces. ) and not enslaved/slaved/ alone /whatever/what the heck/what the heck is going on???>>>/_____SEND_____----- the buildings are very deep and ancient and but more modern and advanced repusierlift high rises exist from the world of aboce middle and below… when you start to immneitlelty and ecentualy down enough theareas start to get very abdanded and deserted and dialect and but that very extremely rarely if very extremely seldomnly rarely if ever happens but down deep enough you reach some levels alought not entirely abanceda nd they become relicy to the ancient history of the deep lower underground core that you tent to reach areas that are deeper, more ancient once you get much more and much much more deeper; you also happen to get areas that are more classical like type ecen thought they are still modern and futuristic, you happen to get areas that are actually anktecienck, and releckly acnienkck. Once you get down, deep down; far enough, you actually start to get to the actual true foundation framework core root basement frame root work base root skyscraper buildings.
These gigantic and huge enormous collostal buildings, which are futuristic repulsuierlift skyscrapers get more entangled, entrenched, enrooted and enveloped and especially intersected, intercombined interlapping, and interlinking, and esp the buildings are able to connect to deep lower underground core root basement levels and street levels though intersected interoverlappeing interoverinterlinking regions of deep level repusierlift lane traffic that gets so deeply entangled and entrenched, enrooted and enveloped that-in-the-way-that-the-original-inhabitance-ofpanet-antimonia-Atimonians-like-to-call-tt; a vast layer level of the City of Boka City Atimoina that in fact even, the various levels and layers of crisscrossing intermixing interparrellel ingtersecting deep-enough-level crisscrossing intermixing intersecting repuslierlift layers; and levels of repusierlift traffic streams deeply crisscrossing layers/levels of overflowing but crisscrossing and interremergeding and inter diverging and interconverging and intermerging layers of crisscrossing streams of unending repusierlift traffic, or a repusierlift traffic steram as the Atimonians like to call it.
The farther down enought you actual reach true deep level or deep core level repusierilft root foundation canyons as the Atimonians like to call it, very deep level cyperlazerithnautsscapelift canyons, cyperdragscapenautlifts canyons, cyberflowscapes, cybervelluciularscapes, cyberchannelscapes, cyperstraitscapes, cyber corrdoirscapes, cyberlamberithscapes, cybercanyonscapes, cyberstratascapes, and cyberascendentscapes, cyber descendscapes, cyberprotrudantscapes, cyperextrotrudeantscapes, cyberintroduntscapes, cyperprojectantscapes, cybertrajectantscapes, cypervertice;vortice, vartice, cypercollum, cyberrow, cyberembankmentscapes, cyberascentdantscapes, cyberabyssscapes,, cyberbankmentscapes, cyber corescapes, cybercrevicescapes, cyberbareasscapes, cyberdrrasicailiodscapes, cyberembankmentscapes, cyberf/ n/a ; cyberg/ n/a cyberh n/a cyberi n/a cyberj n/a cyber k, cyperlazerithnautsscapelift canyons, o, cybermirrowscape, , n p, q, r, s, t, u, cybervoidscapes, w, x y z,
The foundatons of these in turn happen to meet the root core middle lower level or middle lower core lower middle core lower level etc when the hit upon the cybercollumn, cyberrowscape, cyber
The entire length of the repusierlift canyons start out at the cyber; and end up at the cyber cyberascentdantscapes, cyberascendentscapes cyberabyssscapes,, cyberbankmentscapes, cybercorescapes, cybercorrdoirscapes, cybercanyonscapes, cybercrevicescapes, cypervertice;vortice, vartice, cyberchannelscapes,cypercollum, cyberbareasscapes, cyberdrrasicailiodscapes, cyperdragscapenautlifts cyberdescendscapes canyons, cyberembankmentscapes, cyperextrotrudeantscapes , cyberflowscapes ; cyberg/ n/a cyberh n/a cyberintroduntscapes cyberj n/a cyber k, cyperlazerithnautsscapelift canyons, cybermirrowscape, , n o, cyberprotrudantscapes, q, r, cyperstraitscapes, ,, , cyberstratascapes, cybertrajectantscapes, u, cybervoidscapes, cybervelluciularscapes w, x y z, adscentantscape
cyberrow cyberembankmentscapes
c cyberembankmentscapes
,, , , , and , , , , , , , , ,,, cyberascentdantscapes, cyberabyssscapes,, cyberbankmentscapes, cybercorescapes, cybercrevicescapes, cyberbareasscapes, cyberdrrasicailiodscapes, cyberembankmentscapes, cyberf/ n/a ; cyberg/ n/a cyberh n/a cyberi n/a cyberj n/a cyber k, l, o, cybermirrowscape, , n p, q, r, s, t, u, cybervoidscapes, w, x y z,
future down you go which the fact the repulisilerlift cantyons continue for googplexes of miles into the core;